Year 3
Welcome to Year 3 at Paulton Junior School!
Term 3
Happy New Year and welcome back to Term 3!
Please ensure your child has the appropriate clothing with them for the weather.
PE, Forest School and Clubs in Term 3
PE Schedule for Term 3
PE will be on Wednesday and Friday during Term 3.
On Wednesdays, we’ll be developing our fundamental skills of balancing, running, jumping, hopping and skipping. On Fridays, the coaches from Active Development will be helping to improve our football skills.
Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on these days, including their house-coloured top.
Forest School
On Wednesday afternoons, we will hopefully be heading to Forest School. Make sure your child has their Forest School kit ready, which should include waterproofs and wellies.
You will be able to sign up to Term 3/4 clubs soon. We will inform you of this as soon as possible. They will run for 4 weeks in each term. Please let the teacher know if you cannot attend.
Curriculum Information for Term 3
In English, we will be studying the lovely book ‘Little Bear’s Spring’, a story all about the changing seasons. Our grammar will focus on subordinating conjunctions – after, before and until – to extend our sentences. We will also recap and extend the use of accurate punctuation for direct speech. We will study the author’s style of ‘Little Bear’s Spring’ to look at choosing powerful verbs and choosing quality, precise vocabulary, and use this to write our own fiction story inspired by the book.
In non-fiction, we will be exploring the use of writing to persuade, using techniques such as the power of three and choosing emotive points and language. We will write a persuasive letter that will enable us to look at using paragraphs and a variety of sentence structures.
Our spellings will continue to be a focus. We will have a weekly spelling lesson focusing on different spelling rules and patterns. This term, most of our spellings are adding suffixes and prefixes to words, and learning how they change the meaning and spelling – please see spelling words to practise weekly.
Our daily Guided Reading sessions will explore shape poems and extracts from ‘Into the Jungle’ by Katherine Rundell, as well as film extracts from The Jungle Book.
In Maths this term, we will continue our learning of multiplication and division. We will begin developing effective methods to multiply and divide, particularly when working with larger numbers. We will spend time consolidating our times-tables, as these will be very important this term! Keep practising on TTR!
Later in the term we will begin our next measurement topic where we will be learning all about money! We will consider how to add and subtract specific amounts of money, as well as converting between pounds and pence.
In this new term, we will be continuing our love of History and think about the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, which will then allow us to explore which period was the most impressive.
In PSHE, we will explore how to keep our bodies and minds healthy and the importance of thinking positively.
We will be mastering the programming language SCRATCH to make a musical medley in Computing.
In RE, we will try to answer the question ‘What can we learn from the life and teaching of Jesus?’ by exploring aspects of the person, life and teaching of Jesus and how they relate to Christian life, practices, celebrations and the pattern of Christian festivals.
In Art, we will be looking at examples of Himalayan Art to create our own fabric and watercolour work.
This term’s Science unit builds on Year 2's learning about animals and health, focusing on balanced diets, nutrients and how they support our bodies. Children also explore animal skeletons, learn about human bones and muscles and apply their scientific skills to plan and carry out investigations.
In PE, we will be exploring football with the outside coaches on a Friday and developing our fundamental skills of balancing, running, jumping, hopping and skipping on a Wednesday.
Important Information
Healthy Snacks - NO NUT School
We encourage healthy eating, so children can bring fruit for a playtime snack. Please remember that we are a nut-free school due to severe allergies amongst students and staff.
Also, every child needs to bring a water bottle to school daily for use throughout the day. Please note that fizzy or flavoured drinks are not allowed.
School Uniform
All children are expected to wear the correct school uniform. Full details on the school uniform can be found on our website.
Please contact the office regarding anything you require immediate advice on or for any urgent messages. Also, please continue to use the office phone line to report your child’s absence. Please feel free to write comments in their homework book too.
Open Door Friday
Every Friday after school, you are invited to come into the classroom to share and look at your child’s work. It's a great opportunity to see what they’ve been up to!
Music lessons
To sign up for music lessons, please see the links below:
Rocksteady –
Other Music Lessons –
For any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at or call us at 01761 418137.
Homework Expectations
Homework will be set on a Monday and collected in on Friday. All children are expected to complete homework and work will be differentiated accordingly. Homework will vary each week between English, Maths or Foundation subjects and children will also have weekly spelling tasks to be completed at home.
We expect children to read at home daily and for this to be recorded in their reading records, a minimum of 3 times per week. Please ensure reading records are in school every day.
Online Platforms
Please also ensure that online platforms, including TTR and Nessy, are used as part of weekly homework tasks. Logins should be in your child’s reading record.
Links can be found below:
- Nessy:
- TTR:
- Accelerated Reader: (for quizzes)
- Fonetti:
Note to parents/ carers
It is crucial that all children become confident with their times-tables as they will be taking the Year 4 times table test in July 2026. Understanding and rapid recall of multiplication facts (and other number facts) is the cornerstone to fluent mathematics.
We are looking forward to another term of fabulous learning, great teamwork and enjoyment for all.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Mr Barge, Mrs Mallon and Mrs Walker
Useful Learning Links
Oxford Owl for Home with lots of free resources for Primary age. It can provide your child with a schemed reading book. The free ebooks include : Biff and Chip, The Oxford Reading Tree Books, Project X, TreeTops.
As a parent, you will need to sign up and log in with your email address to access lots of the e books. Most have an audio option, to read along or listen to the book being read and additional activities, including comprehension questions to help when you are sharing the books together. There is not a subscription, and you are not expected to buy any of the books.
Book recommendation
Write your name, book details and reason for your recommendation on the Padlet below:
Additional learning links:
– Topmarks English and Maths Games – see below for help
See the picture below for help. Click learning games at the top of the website. Then select either Maths or English on the left-hand side. Check you’ve selected the right age! Finally, choose a category of game, browse the games and choose one to play.
Useful websites
These websites will help you for Writing:
For Reading:
For Maths:
Fun with times tables
Practice singing along to the songs below to help you learn you times tables.