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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Term 5


Welcome back to Term 5. We hope you have had a relaxing break over Easter and are ready for the Summer Term.

Miss. Walker (4W) , Miss. Burke (4B) and Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Walker (4PW)

History quiz- 

Homework - Week Beginning 7th May

Main Task – Complete one of the activities on Earthquakes and Volcanoes from the sheet to the best of you ability. You can either create it in your homework book or on a separate sheet. Week 5 Earthquakes and volcanoes.pdf

Spelling Task – 'inter-' prefix

Complete the look, cover, write check this week with words beginning with the prefix inter-.

Homework is due every Friday.


Reading – please read at least 3 times at home with an adult and get your reading record signed.

Times tables

To support children in learning their times tables, a weekly task will be introduced as part of homework. Children should practise the level given to them by their class teacher and will have the opportunity to progress to further levels weekly, following a quiz on Friday.

Don’t forget to pop on to TTRockstars for extra timestables practice – USE SOUNDCHECK TO WORK ON YOUR SPEED!

Please email any pictures to the following email:

Routines for Term 5

PE is on Monday (Basketball) and Thursday (Athletics). Children will need to wear their full PE kit to school on Mondays and Thursdays

Forest School: Children will need old trainers or wellies in a named carrier bag as well as appropriate wet weather gear (waterproof coat and trousers) or sunhat and sunscreen depending on the forecast for the day. Forest School kit can remain in school for the duration of the term.

Homework will be set on a Monday and completed by Friday. Homework tasks will be detailed at the top of this web page and children should complete their work neatly (using a pencil) in their orange Homework books.

Reading is crucial to every child’s progress across the entire curriculum and we expect that every child reads to an adult at home at least 3 times a week. Please record this in their blue reading record and and ensure it is brought to school every day.

What are we learning this term?


In Maths this term, children will build on the previous term of fractions by exploring fractions as decimals. The children will start with looking at tenths and hundredths as decimals in different representations such as counters, tens frames and number lines as well as finding different ways of making 1 whole by combining tenths and hundredths. They will then move onto dividing whole numbers by 10 and 100.

Times Tables are an important part of our mathematical teaching and learning throughout the whole of year 4. Please support times table learning and speedy recall of multiplication and division facts, at home.


Within English this term, we will be looking at stories from different cultures, exploring traditions and beliefs from around the world. These texts will inspire our writing within English lessons, whilst also being a key focus within our Guided Reading sessions. Alongside this, we will continue to refine and develop key elements of punctuation and grammar to enhance our writing, linked to these texts. Later in the term, we will be putting our knowledge of persuasive devices to the test when exploring, planning and writing a balanced argument.

Foundation Subjects

In Science this term, we focus on ‘Animals including Humans’ – a series of lessons that explore the human digestive system, different types of teeth and food chains. We deepen and broaden our knowledge of these topics throughout the term and develop our scientific enquiry skills with a particular focus on making predictions. In PSHE, we take a journey to Africa and look at life for a young girl called Chiwa from Malawi. Computing develops our Scratch skills and will teach us how to adapt commands to enhance instructions and repetition in games produced. In Art, we learn about the life and work of the sculptor Barbara Hepworth and create a clay sculpture that represents one of our own journeys through the playscape. Forest School this term will therefore directly link to this project.  In Games, we are building upon our skills and tactics employed during invasion games with a basketball unit of work. Athletics is our second P.E. lesson in the week. We will practice athletic skills relating to jumping, running and throwing and have mini-athletic challenges, throughout the term, to produce our personal best for each discipline. French focuses strongly on the spoken skill of making conversation – when at the market and buying an ice cream- understanding what is being said and responding appropriately. Finally, Geography explores Volcanoes and Earthquakes. We understand why and how a volcano is formed this term and explore how earthquakes shake!

What a fantastic term of learning ahead!