Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Term 3
Welcome back to Term 3!
We hope you have a fabulous Christmas break and wish you all a very Happy New Year.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss. Walker (4W), Mr Fox (4F)Miss Russett (4F) and Miss Moody (4M)
The Ancient Egyptians (Quiz - in school use only)
Routines - Term 3
PE is on Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday (Fitness). Children will need to wear their full PE kit to school. This consists of: House T-shirt, Dark shorts and/or jogging bottoms, trainers and school jumper.
Please ensure full swimming kit is brought into school in a named bag on Wednesdays throughout term 3.
This should include a swimming costume/trunks, a towel, goggles and swimming hat.
Forest School will be on Mondays during Term 3. Children will need old trainers or wellies in a named carrier bag as well as appropriate wet weather gear (waterproof coat and trousers). We advise that Forest School kit remains in school for the duration of the term as we may take advantage of other opportunities for outdoor learning within our timetable.
Homework will be set on a Monday and completed by Friday. Homework tasks should be completed neatly (using a pencil) in orange Homework books. This will consist of a main task linked to English, Maths or Foundation subjects, as well as a spelling activity related to our weekly rule.
Reading is crucial to every child's progress across the entire curriculum and we expect that every child reads to an adult at home at least 3 times a week. Please record this in their blue reading record and ensure it is brought to school every day.
If you wish to contact your child's class teacher, please do so via the school office or written note handed by your child to the class teacher. Please note: all absences must be reported to the school office directly.
What are we learning this term?
In Mathematics this term, we begin by diving deeper into the world of Multiplication and Division and we will consider how to multiply 3 numbers and identify factors. Later, we will look at formal written methods for multiplying and dividing and solve a variety of problems relating to this. Swiftly, we move onto applying our knowledge of Length and Perimeter. We will then begin our learning of Fractions.
Times tables are an important part of our mathematical teaching and learning throughout the whole of Year 4. Pupils will complete the National Multiplication Tables Check during the Summer Term. Please support times table learning and speedy recall of multiplication and division facts at home. We recommend regular use of Times Table Rockstars (TTR) app, including use of the Soundcheck feature.
We will start our new term exploring the book ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’ by Grahame Baker-Smith with a focus on writing a narrative in the first person from the perspective of a rain drop. Following this, we will continue our focus on rivers and the water cycle by exploring the features of non-chronological reports and writing our own report for rivers around the world.
In addition, we will continue to develop our reading skills through regular Guided Reading sessions. We will introduce, explore and apply our new spelling rules and patterns, weekly.
Foundation Subjects
In Science, we will be exploring sound including how it travels, pitch and volume and experiment with how to insulate sound. We will be learning about rivers and the water cycle in Geography and discovering where water goes. In Art, we will be using mixed media to sketch nature and create a relief print by the end of term. Improving our swimming and general fitness will be the aim for this term in PE. They will track their progress throughout the term. We will explore how we can stay safe in PSHE and the responsibilities of ourselves and others around us to help. This will include; risks and hazards, first aid and being safe in the wider world. RE will focus on how people’s values and commitments might be demonstrated in the lives of leaders and believers, we will be thinking about how we should live and who can inspire us. We will be learning how to program in Computing and create instructions by planning, modifying, and testing commands to create shapes and patterns. Within our Music lessons, we will be following the Charanga scheme and learning the song ‘Stop!’ which is a song/rap about the importance of anti-bullying and respecting others.
What a fantastic term of learning! We cannot wait to get started!
Computing Lesson 2 Link -