Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Term 4
Welcome back to Term 4!
We hope you had a lovely February half term and are feeling ready for lots of fantastic learning!
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss. Walker (4W), Mr Fox (4F) and Miss Moody (4M)
Routines - Term 4
PE is on Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday (Tennis). Children will need to wear their full PE kit to school. This consists of: House T-shirt, Dark shorts and/or jogging bottoms, trainers and school jumper.
Please ensure full swimming kit is brought into school in a named bag on Wednesdays throughout term 4.
This should include a swimming costume/trunk, a towel, goggles and swimming hat.
Forest School will be on Mondays during Term 4. Children will need old trainers or wellies in a named carrier bag as well as appropriate wet weather gear (waterproof coat and trousers). We advise that Forest School kit remains in school for the duration of the term as we may take advantage of other opportunities for outdoor learning within our timetable.
Homework will be set on a Monday and completed by Friday. Homework tasks should be completed neatly (using a pencil) in orange Homework books. This will consist of a main task linked to English, Maths or Foundation subjects, as well as a spelling activity related to our weekly rule.
Reading is crucial to every child's progress across the entire curriculum and we expect that every child reads to an adult at home at least 3 times a week. Please record this in their blue reading record and ensure it is brought to school every day.
If you wish to contact your child's class teacher, please do so via the school office or written note handed by your child to the class teacher. Please note: all absences must be reported to the school office directly.
In Term 4, Year 4 children will be reading Nour’s Secret Library by Wafa Tarnowska. As part of our learning, we will explore the author’s style of writing and create an additional scene with dialogue. Following this, we will identify the features of persuasive writing before creating an advertising brochure persuading people to visit the secret library.
In addition, we will continue to develop our reading skills through regular Guided Reading sessions. We will introduce, explore and apply our new spelling rules and patterns, weekly.
In Maths this term, we will be continuing our learning of Length and Perimeter. Children will be learning to apply their knowledge of different units of measure, including calculating the perimeter of a range of a range of shapes. The bulk of this term's work relates to Fractions: Recapping unit and non-unit fractions, exploring mixed numbers and equivalent fractions, before moving on adding and subtracting fractions.
Time tables are an important part of our mathematical teaching and learning throughout the whole of Year 4. Pupils will complete the National Multiplication Tables Check during the Summer Term. Please support times table learning and speedy recall of multiplication and division facts at home. We recommend regular use of Times Table Rockstars (TTR) app, including use of the Soundcheck feature.
In Science, we will be exploring Living Things and their Habitats, we’ll be grouping animals, classifying vertebrae and identifying invertebrate. We will be learning all things Romans in History, we will look into Roman invasions and explore a variety of sources of evidence. In DT, we will be creating simple circuits and investigating different types of switches to then make torches at the end of the term. This term we will be continuing to develop our swimming skills and tennis skills in PE. In PSHE, we will be learning about families, the changes we experience, both physically and emotionally, when growing up and where we come from. RE will focus on how the actions and local communities of faith have changed our world. We will be developing our understanding of how digital images can be changed and edited, and how they can be resaved and reused in Computing. Within our Music lessons, we will be following the Charanga scheme and learning a soul/ gospel song by Bill Withers, ‘Lean on Me’.
What a fantastic term of learning! We cannot wait to get started!