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Year 5

Accelerated Reader for Quizzes:


English links 15/4/24

BBC What are zoos for?

National Geographic Zoo

Battersea Park Children's Zoo

Zoological Society of London

Chester Zoo


Welcome to the Year 5 page!

Hello Year 5,

Welcome back after half-term. We hope everyone is rested and raring to go for another fun-filled term at Paulton Junior School!


  • On Monday, Homework and Spelling Task for the week will be handed out.
  • Homework books and reading records need to be in school on Friday for your teacher to check.
  • The Homework will vary each week between Maths and English – sometimes even a Foundation subject.
  • In Year 5, the expectation is that homework should total around 30 minutes a day: this should be a combination of spelling practise, times-table practise, set homework and reading.
  • Reading in Year 5 should happen every day. This can be in a variety of forms such as: children reading independently or sharing a chapter together. Also, remember reading to your child and listening to audiobooks is extremely beneficial too!
  • Reading records should be commented in by an adult a minimum of 3 times a week and we expect Year 5 children to record their own independent reading journey themselves. Reading records should be transferred between home and school every day.


  • Our PE days will be Monday and Friday. Please come to school dressed in a PE kit which should consist of a house t-shirt, black or navy shorts and PE trainers. If it is cold, additional layers including a school jumper and plain black or navy jogging bottoms can also be worn.
  • Our Forest School day will be Tuesday. Please ensure named waterproofs and wellies/appropriate change of footwear are in on this day.
  • Medication such as inhalers should be kept in your child’s bag and accessible throughout the day.

From The Year 5 Team

Curriculum Overview

Here is the curriculum overview for the year: New Year 5 Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Overview Term 5


This term, we will be learning how to write persuasively, which also informs our reader. What are we writing do I hear you ask? Only, a balanced argument about the ethical use of zoos. Afterwards, we will then use the skills we have developed to write a persuasive letter, but on a topic closer to our hearts that will excite the children to write about!

Guided Reading 

This term in Guided Reading we are looking at a wide variety of different texts including: ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell, ‘Journey to the River Sea’, song lyrics and the poetic nature of them. Also, classes will explore non-fiction texts on rainforests and persuasive arguments. Our Guided Reading sessions aim to provide pupils with opportunities to practice the skills of reading, comprehending and inferring the meaning behind the text.


This term, we are learning about statics and exploring line graphs. Equally, we will be investigating ‘Properties of Shape’ which involves identifying, measuring and drawing angles as well as position and direction. Afterwards, we will dive back into learning about decimals: in particular, how we add, subtract, multiply and divide them.

Foundation subjects

RE: We will explore how we make moral choices.

PE: On Monday, we will be developing our tennis skills and on Fridays we will develop our football skills. Both PE sessions are intended to run outside. Please ensure the correct PE is worn.

PHSE: Britain. In this unit, children will look at the diverse range of ethnicities and religions which make up Great Britain, how they can make a positive contribution to the wider community as well as learning about the law and the consequences of not following it. 

Science: We will be learning about Animals, including Humans, and plants. 

Computing: We will become programmers using Scratch.

DT: We will be exploring different varieties of bread.

Music: We will be exploring different musical styles and Dancing in the Street. 

History: In this unit, the children will explore the question of why people go on a journey, and look at five very different types of journey in depth.