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Year 5

Accelerated Reader for Quizzes:

Welcome to the Year 5 page!

Hello Year 5,

Welcome back after the summer break! We hope everyone is rested and raring to go as we enter into the first term of the best year of your lives: Year 5! Where does time go? Nobody knows!


  • On Monday, Homework and a Spelling Task will be handed out.
  • Homework books and reading records need to be in school on Friday for your teacher to check.
  • The Homework will vary each week between Maths and English - sometimes it will be a Foundation subject.
  • In Year 5, the expectation is that homework should total around 30 minutes a day: this should be a combination of spelling practise, times-table practise, set homework and reading.
  • Reading in Year 5 should happen every day. This can be in a variety of forms such as: children reading independently, sharing a chapter together and/or reading on line. Also, remember reading to your child and listening to audiobooks is extremely beneficial too!
  • Reading records should be commented in by an adult a minimum of 3 times a week and we expect Year 5 children to record their own independent reading journey themselves. Reading records should be transferred between home and school every day.


  • Our PE days will be Wednesday and Friday please come to school dressed in PE kit which should consist of house t-shirt, shorts and PE trainers. If it is cold, additional layers including a school jumper and plain jogging bottoms can also be worn.
  • Our Forest School day will be Tuesday. Please ensure named waterproofs and wellies/appropriate change of footwear are in on this day.
  • Medication such as inhalers should be kept in your child's bag and accessible throughout the day.

From Miss Reynolds, Mrs Goucher and Mrs Suchecki

Curriculum Overview


Over the first few weeks, we will be getting to grips with the fundamentals of English. This will involve polishing up our punctuation and sentence structure.

For the rest of the term we will be reading ‘The Man Who Walked Between The Towers’. From this we will be writing a dialogue between two characters and a newspaper report about the shocking events.


During Term 1, we will be focusing on Place Value, Number: Addition and Subtraction and Statistics. In Place Value we will recap the value of digits in 6-digit numbers, round to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and compare and order numbers up to one million. There will also be a dash of Roman numerals and sprig of negative numbers too! In Addition and Subtraction, we will be adding and subtracting numbers with up to 4-digits using informal and formal written methods (column). We will also look at how addition and subtraction are in the inverse of one another and look to use them to solve multi-step problems. Finally, in Statistics we will interpret, draw and analyse tables and graphs.


RE – We will be looking at the big question of ‘why do religious books and teachings matter?’ with a focus on the Qu’ran and why it is important to some people.

PE – On Wednesday, children will be taught dance skills by their outstanding teachers. On Fridays, children will be taught football skills by professional coaches Nathan and Tyler.

PHSE – This term we will be exploring T.E.A.M. What does it mean to be in a team? How can we be a good team member? We will find out.

Science – We will be looking at the properties and changes of various materials. We will find out about different materials, their uses and their properties, as well as dissolving, separating mixtures and irreversible changes.

Computing – We will be exploring what makes up a computer system and how computers share information.

Art – We will be creating observational drawings of the body in movement.

MusicThis term all the learning is focused around one song: Livin' On A Prayer. Where we will look at the dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc), singing and playing instruments are all linked. As well as learning to sing, play, improvise and compose with this song, the children will listen and appraise other classic rock songs.

History – Was the Anglo-Saxon period really a Dark Age? Ask us again at the end of the term and we’ll have found out!

French – The children will continue to be taught by Madame Truelove and have fun recapping greetings, numbers, colours and more!


Clubs and Music lessons

You will be able to sign up to Term 1/2 clubs soon. We will inform you of this as soon as possible. They will run for 3 weeks in each term. Please let the teacher know if you cannot attend.

Please complete the form below:

To sign up for music lessons, please see the links below:

Rocksteady –

Other Music Lessons –
